A password reset can be used if you have a user who you are enabling for the first time, or if someone has forgotten their password.  

Note: If you are a sub-agent of an RPM Subscriber and you are experiencing logon difficulties, please contact your Technology Service Distributer or service provider for assistance. If you are a Staff user of the subscription, you will need to contact the system manager of your RPM subscription for a password reset. 

Instructions for Staff Users

You can send a staff or agent user a password reset only when the email address is filled out for that user in the Info section of their profile.  

Password reset for Staff: Top menu >> Users >> View staff user

Password reset for Agent: Top menu >> Reps >> View rep

Click Password reset.

The user will receive an email with a link in the body of the email as shown in the screenshot below. 

After the user clicks on the link it will bring them to a page where they can verify which person the password is being reset for. The RPM subscription and which brand it is for.  Clicking Set a password will bring you to a page to reset your RPM password. Alternatively if you have a Microsoft account linked to your RPM you can sign in with it here. 

In this next window you can confirm what the username is you are setting the new password for. Once you have the password filled out click OK to save

If the password is accepted, RPM will redirect to your normal logged in dashboard.  


See also: