You can build views on the customer page, item page, account page, agency page and get the information you are looking for by adding filters and selecting the columns (headers) that you want to see. 

For an in-depth video on Custom views see below.

If you'd like a quicker tutorial on how to use custom views see below.

Some changes to the UI have been made since the video was released, listed below are some improvements we've made that will help you create custom views.

The design of the view drop down has changed as well as how the current views are listed once the drop down is selected. You'll notice a search bar which will help you find previous custom views you've created and named in the past. 

When adding column and filters RPM will no longer redirect you to a new page but rather a selector will appear on the right allowing you to add multiple columns and filters quickly, once selecting an option all the way though it will appear and the menu will send you back to the first set of options.

See also: