Adding a Process breakdown widget allows you to display the breakdown of List, Reference, Yes/No fields, and status levels. There are four Render types you can choose: Pie, Bar, List, and Pyramid. Below are examples of each of the different types of possible Simple Process Breakdown Widgets.

To configure this widget:

On the left hand side you have the setup options for what information you would want the widget to display. 

  • Enter a Widget name and Display text
  • Choose a Process
  • Choose a View. The option is the Active view, but you can select a custom view to filter the data on your widget further.
  • Choose the Field
  • Choose a Breakdown value
    • View Count - counts the number of forms from the view
    • Quantity field - attributes the value in a quantity field to the form breakdown field
  • If required, Limit options displayed by entering the number of options you want displayed, for example, to display the top 10 list options, enter 10
  • Choose the Breakdown type
    • Simple breakdown - displays the list option breakdown count of the field chosen
    • Further Breakdown  - displays the list option breakdown count of two fields chosen
  • Choose a Reporting type
    • Single value - will display data from all forms in view
    • Group by date period - will display data based on a time period from a selected date field
  • Determine if you want the chart to use saved data versus real-time data by checking the Use long cache box

On the right hand side you have how the data is represented in a chart. 

  • Choose the Render type (Simple breakdown only)
    • List
    • Pie
    • Pie (no legend)
    • Bar (vertical)
    • Bar (vertical, no legend)
    • Bar (horizontal)
    • Bar (horizontal, no legend)
    • Pyramid
  • Set a Chart threshold (for line/bar) (Further breakdown only)





See also: