Version 18 (February 14, 2017) of RPM Telco includes many new improvements and features, please take a minute to learn more. 


Speed up calculation

Our development team has refactored the calculation process which resulted in a decrease in calculation time! 

Partial Calculation when Finishing Import

The supplier commission data is calculated when you import it, commission item views and other data that previously required a full calculation will now display totals right away.

Improved download system

Your last downloaded view will remain available to download as it is saved as a file in the user menu. Click on your name top right and you will find it when you select 'Last view download'.

  • The file can be downloaded by the user that started the download and by super users.
  • The file name, size, and other meta details can be seen by any user with the setup privilege. 
  • A user with the setup privilege can also trash any of those files that they see listed, even if they couldn’t download them.

Removing the ability for RPM to generate XLS files

Version 18 has an improved download system and part of the improvement is only working with the newer format which is quicker to write and makes smaller files. Microsoft provides a free compatibility pack for Office 2003 and Office XP*.



  • Do not allow for simple passwords (eg: "password" or "12345678").


Process Management

  • Copy security setup from another process.
  • Support table fields in repeating fields.