View Download

When downloading a view that contains a large amount of forms (10,000+) it may take a minute to download. Now, instead of waiting for the view to download, the view will download in the background while you continue to work.

Learn more here.

Rename of Process Security Options

We've renamed the options for process security to make their meaning and application more clear. 

Learn more here.

Password Security

Lighthouse will no longer allow users to create passwords that are the same as their username, all the same character, "password", or "12345678". This change will not affect current passwords. However, if you have a password that matches the conditions described above, we strongly recommend you edit your password and create a stronger one.

Download of .xls Files No Longer Supported

Lighthouse will no longer allow users to download views as .xls files. Views will download as .xlsx files. You will still be able to import data into Lighthouse using .xls files.

Action Webhook

Some Subscribers use the Lighthouse API to communicate with other software applications they use. We've developed a new action webhook to drive event based action integration.

Learn more here.

API Developer Email List

To keep up with Lighthouse API changes or new API development, such as the new action webhook,  subscribe to our API 

developer email list. 

Sign up here.

Version Notes

  • Field Groups can now be Controlled by Multiple References
  • Standardized the Placement of Widget Titles to the Top of the Widget
  • Improved the Layout of Fields in Email Notification
  • Renamed "None" to "N/A" for Fields With No Values
  • Wrapped Titles of Widget Names on Mobile Device Screens