Version 20 (June 13, 2017) of RPM Telco includes many new improvements and features, please take a minute to learn more.
Commission Breakdown widget
A new widget that does a breakdown of commission totals. This widget will make it easy for you to view the breakdown of your commission totals by using a variable such as product or source of your commissions. Giving you the ability to view the important numbers of your company right from your dashboard. More on this click HERE.
New commission item variables
We have added cross-supplier commission item variables. This allows you to create custom views using the variables across the board for all your suppliers and report on the data. Use the data from the variables to give you better insight and understanding of areas in your organization that need your attention. The setup of item variables is a lot easier and faster. From a dedicated 'Imports setup (all suppliers)' page you are able to add an item variable once and it will be available across all suppliers.
Migrating your item variables
For your existing (to be legacy) item variables we build a migration feature that will help you to copy one variable at a time to the new system.The migration tool allows an existing variable for one supplier to be migrated to a new variable of the same type and security. The values on existing items will be copied. Click HERE for a video and article on the migration tool.
Any view that has a legacy variable in it and is replaced by the new variable has to be rebuild. When you are using our shell feature and using item variables in a shell and are not sure what will happen or you need help, please contact [email protected] and we can coach you on making the changes.
More commission setup privileges
Additional privileges for commissions setup. This improvement will allow you to make sure that not every user can make important changes to commission rules or setup. Changes such as: setting up referrals, setting up or modifying account groups, changing import matrixes or setting up transfers. More on this click HERE.
Ability to mark any matrix row as required
A handy improvement that allows you to make sure you capture the data that you want in RPM. You can make any row/variable you have in the matrix required. That means if anyone imports commissions and there is no data in the column for the header the import will show a warning and will be stopped. Click HERE on how to set this up.
Change file billing to go off usage instead of limit
We have made changes to the way we process the file limit usage. You will no longer have to contact support and request to add an additional GB to your subscription, rather RPM will automatically charge you for the amount of GB you are using. Click HERE to see how much GB you are currently using.
*This means that you will no longer get the warning that you are low on file space. The monthly additional GB cost (as per your contract) will be automatically added to your invoice.
Supplier copy
A great feature that will speed up and make the setup of multiple matrixes a lot easier. This feature is particularly helpful for when you get commissions from a master agent. Populate 1 import matrix and copy it for the other suppliers that you get compensated on by that master. Click HERE to view the article.
- Commission variable allowed values in comm item filters.