Table Fill fills the rows of any table fields with data from forms in another process. The values in the resulting row can be a mix of the source form and values in this form related to the reference. When a table field is set to be filled by table fill, it can only get values by fill and is no longer editable in form edit. 

In layman's terms table fill is used when you want to take data from multiple forms(Orders,Quotes,etc) from one process and summarize it in a table on one form in another process.  

A common usage of this feature would be to have any forms started from your orders populate back into a table on said order forms which conglomerates all the data into the order forms. This can open up a lot of possibilities with the main one being the ability to track all of the Order Changes over it's lifespan. For more information visit here.

How to Setup a Table Fill

Table Fill requires a process flow between the two process you would like to link. For example Orders > Trouble Tickets. The reason for this is that there needs to be a reference between the two processes in order for the table fill to recognize the relationship between the forms. If you have an existing process flow, that will work as well. However, make sure that there is a process reference field between the source process and target process.

Create the Table and add a reference field for the process you would like to have fill the table. This example will be how to get every trouble ticket started from an order to appear in a table.

1. Make sure there's a reference field from the process you want to be filling the table. 

2. Additional fields can be added. It is recommended you match the type of fields in the table between processes. 

IMPORTANT: Table Fill ignores process security, if you fill in data from a process a user does not have access to normally they will be able to view said data on the table fill. Assuming that the user has access to the process where the table resides in. 

Next step is to create the Table fill itself. 

From the Top Left Menu > Setup > Table fill > Add a table fill

  1.  Source Process: The process that will fill the table on the target process. I.E. Trouble Tickets is the source process for my Trouble Ticket target field on my target process Order.
  2.  Target Process:  The process that has the table you're planning to fill.
  3.  Target Field: The table field you would like to populate every time a Trouble Ticket is started.

  1.  Target Form Conditions: Add conditions to limit which forms will be able to use table fill.
  2.  Source Form Conditions: Add conditions to limit which forms will be filling the target forms' tables.
  3.  Map: Choose which fields will map to the table.

  1.  Relationship Field: A reference field that relates the source and target forms together. 
  2.  Source Option:  Can be either the source form or a table field from the source form. The table option will only appear if the source process has a table field. This option allows you to choose whether the table in the target process will have a row added when a form is created from the source process, or when a row is added to the source processes form. 
  3.  Fields: Mapping which fields will flow into the target's table field. 

Field Map Details

  • Eligible fields are:

    • Fields that share a field type.

    • Fields from the target form that are in tables are only allowed if they are in the same table as the relationship reference field.

    • If the relationship reference field is in the target process it can still be added as a source. 

    • If in a table field, that table field must not be used in any other table fills as a target.

    • For process form reference fields that are the same process as the source process, the option “Source form” is available. Instead of using a field value, it sets the reference to the source form.

    • n/a is always an option.

Once your table fill is set up, starting your source process will start filling the table. If you've set the source option to table, the target table fill fills at the same time the source table does.

Evaluating the Form to Ensure Accuracy

If your table fill doesn't seem correct, either due to it being a first time setup or it not functioning as expected, an evaluation is the first step to fix the issue before checking if the setup is incorrect.

See also: