There are four Widgets types to display Fulfillment information.
- Fulfillment sum
- Fulfillment breakdown
- Fulfillment top form
- View count by fulfillment
To setup a widget:
Top Menu >> Setup >> Dashboard >> Add a widget >> + New widget
Fulfillment Sum
Use this widget to display the sum of a Fulfillment requirements using a Fulfillment value.
The Fulfillment requirements options are:
- Mandatory
- Optional
- Total
The Fulfillment value options are:
- Fulfilled
- Fulfilled %
- Unfulfilled
- Unfulfilled %
- Both
- Subject count
For example, let's say that you want to display the sum of all mandatory fulfilled requirements, by all employees, as a percentage, as of today. Essentially, this widget is a display of your total employee compliance to your training requirements.
The Fulfillment sum widget has an option to enter an As-of date. For example, 180 days from today.
Fulfillment Breakdown
Use this widget to display the breakdown of a Fulfillment requirements using a Fulfillment value for a process view.
The Fulfillment requirements options are:
- Mandatory
- Optional
- Total
The Fulfillment value options are:
- Fulfilled
- Fulfilled %
- Unfulfilled
- Unfulfilled %
- Both
- Subject count
For example, let's say that you want to display the count of unfulfilled mandatory requirements for all employees.
The Fulfillment breakdown widget has an option to enter an As-of date. For example, 180 days from today.
Fulfillment Top Form
Use this widget to display the Fulfillment information for an employee using an As-of date. For example, the training Fulfillment for an employee as of today and as of 180 days.
View Count by Fulfillment
Use this widget to display the count of Fulfillment requirements according to a certain Fulfillment range. For example, let's say that you are interested in the percentage of employees whose training requirements are at least 80% fulfilled As-of today and As-of 180 days from today.