
With regard to our Training Tracking solution, Fulfillment takes into consideration an employee's training requirements defined by their training role(s) and determines how satisfied, complete, or fulfilled they are based on an employee's Training Records. 

Fulfillment turns all the data we have put into our Training Tracking solution into valuable and useful information.

Employee Training Profile

Looking at Training Fulfillment from an Employee Training Profile form, you can view how Fulfilled that particular employee is Today and In 90 days (90 days is configurable and you can change this future date, see Setup - Fulfillment). 

Click on Today to view the specific data behind the fulfillment totals. From here you can view what Training Topic(s) this employee needs to complete to improve the Fulfillment of their Training Role(s) requirements. 

Have a long list of Training Topics? Filter your results to either Fulfilled or Unfulfilled and narrow the data you want to view. 

Have a specific date that you need to check how Fulfilled an employee will be? For example, at the start or end date of an important job? Click the calendar button and pick the date you want to calculate Fulfillment for.

Here is how this works... In the screenshot below, when Today is in fact today, meaning the day I'm writing this, April 11, 2018the First Aid requirement is Fulfilled because the First Aid Training Record doesn't expire until Jan 2, 2019. 

When I click the calendar and change Today, to April 10, 2020, First Aid is now Unfulfilled. 

Training Role

Looking at a specific Training Role from Training Fulfillment, you can view all employees in a particular Training Role and how Fulfilled they are, along with the total Fulfillment for all employees in that role. 

Have a specific date that you need to check how Fulfilled a Training Role will be? For example, at the start or end date of an important job? Click the calendar button and pick the date you want to calculate Fulfillment for.

Here is how this works... In the screenshot below, when Today is in fact today, meaning the day I'm writing this, April 11, 2018,  Jim Smith and the Field (Basic) Training Role is 50% Fulfilled.

When I click the calendar and change Today, to April 10, 2020, Jim Smith and the Field (Basic) Training Role is now 0% Fulfilled.


Training Topic

Looking at Training Fulfillment from an Training Role form, you can view how Fulfilled that particular topic is Today and In 90 days (90 days is configurable and you can change this future date, see Setup - Fulfillment). 

Click on Today to view the specific data behind the fulfillment totals. From here you can view what employees have satisfied this Topic according to their Training Role(s).


Have a long list of employees? Filter your results to either Fulfilled or Unfulfilled and narrow the data you want to view. 

Have a specific date that you need to check which employees have a Training Topic Fulfilled? For example, at the start or end date of an important job? Click the calendar button and pick the date you want to calculate Fulfillment for.