The Job Hazard Assessment process is used to record and assess the potential hazards associated with the steps of a job or task, eliminate if possible, and determine controls to mitigate risk for those that can not be eliminated.
To enter a JHA, click Start.
On the JHA form, there are some important fields to review.
Keywords, in this field enter text that employees may use to search for this JHA. For example, if the JHA you are creating is for Aerial Lift, a keyword you might want to include would be Scissor Lift, as these two are sometimes used interchangeably.
Ensure that all positions associated with this JHA are entered into the Position(s) field. This is important because the Average Position Risk Level on the referenced Position Inventory form will pull the Average Risk Level Value from the JHA form to calculate an Average Risk Level for Position. Add multiple positions by clicking + Add row. If a Position is not listed, you'll need to add the a new form in the Position Inventory process.
Add PPE by clicking + Add row. If PPE is not listed, you will need to add a new form in the PPE Process.
You may have noticed the risk matrix we are using (shown above). If you use a different risk matrix you'll need to configure a new risk matrix table utilizing the HTML field. We use the website Tables Generator to assist us in creating an HTML table. Once you've created your table you can cut and paste the HTML code into the table field.
If you change the risk matrix, ensure that you update the List fields that are quantifying risk in the JHA table to match your risk matrix. In our example, they are Likelihood and Consequence.
Complete the JHA by entering the data into the JHA table field. To facilitate easier data entry, use Expand, it will make the table larger.
Ensure that you enter the values for Average Risk Level Value and Average Risk Level. Both of these fields are important for calculating average risk level and for filtering JHA's by risk level range.
When you are finished the JHA, create a layout.
This is what your JHA layout will look like.
This layout can be printed, and provided to anyone that requires a hard copy.
Using your browser's print functionality, you should print to pdf and add that pdf to the files box so the JHA can be used for offline use through the app.
Now, FLHAs.