Vehicle Inspection Types are all the different types of inspections that need to be tracked on a recurring basis.  Typical examples of these are:

  • Monthly inspections that need to be completed every month
  • Quarterly inspections that need to be completed every 3 months
  • Annual inspections that need to be completed every 12 months
  • Biennial inspections that need to be completed every 2 years.

Maintain the list of types relevant to your business in the Vehicle Inspection Type.

To enter a Vehicle Inspection Type press Top Menu >> Processes >> + Start

Enter a Vehicle Inspection Type Name.

Click OK.

To view or maintain the Inspection Types, navigate to the view by pressing Top Menu >> Processes >> Vehicle Inspection Type.

If an Inspection Type is no longer required, set the Inspection Type status to Inactive.  This will automatically archive the form and remove it from the list of available Inspection Types.

To view all the vehicles with this Inspection Type, or all Inspections of this type, navigate to the Inspection Type and find the Referenced In box.

Click on Vehicle Inspection or Vehicles to see a detailed listing of the references.