To investigate changes in RPM, history is the place to go. History captures and displays what's changed, who changed it, and when. 

Below is a list of history pages related to commissions.

Each history page in RPM has the same columns as shown below.

  • The Category column is interactive. If you click on a certain category, all history entries for that category will be aggregated in the view. Click Back to all, to view all history entries.
  • The ID column identifies the specific location in RPM the history entry pertains to. 
  • The What column details the outcome of the history entry. For example, Added, Edited, or Trashed.
  • The Method column details how the history entry was made. For example, Edited, Added, API.
  • The Value column displays, if applicable, the change related to the history entry. Note that the value displayed is what the value was changed to. 
  • The When column details when the history entry was made.
  • The By column displays the name of the user that made the change.
  • The Role column displays the role of the user that made the change.
  • The User ID column displays the User ID. 

If you need to examine history using the capabilities of Excel, download history using the Download button.