A process view displays fields as columns and forms as rows. Process views allow a user to filter information to display specific information or key performance indicators related to a process. 

When a process is configured, default columns will be set and will be displayed as the columns for the Active view. To set default columns for Staff, Agent, and Customer users: Top Menu >> Setup >> Process.

+ Add a view

To create a custom view that includes different fields or filtered information, click + Add a view.

The Add a view page allows you to name and choose the Access for the view.

There are 5 view access types:

  • Built in: included for every process, they can not be created or edited
  • Private: can only be viewed by the user that made the view
  • Shared for staff users: can be viewed by all staff users who have access to the process
  • Shared for agency users: can be viewed by agency users who have access to the process
  • Shared for customer users: can be viewed by customer users who have access to the process

After entering a name and choosing access, the Edit view page provides the ability to:

  • Add a filter(s)
  • Add column(s)
  • Sort a view by a column
  • Choose how rows will be displayed in a view from one table field. Selecting a specific Table will display each table row on the View.

If your Process has Repeating fields, you will have additional options to display this data.

  • One row, use first set: displays the first set of repeated fields.
  • One row, use last set: displays the last set of repeated fields.
  • One row, use last modified set: displays the set that was the last edited. This will not display the last set added.
  • One row, total all sets: display a total of all repeated field values.
  • One row per form: displays the first set of repeated fields.
  • Each set as a row: displays all repeating field sets as a separate row.

The views you add or have access to will be displayed from the View drop down menu.

Views are categorized by access type and these categories can be expanded or collapsed. 

View Edit

You can edit custom views to change the information displayed. Built-in views are not editable, so they will not have an Edit button. Clicking +Add a view on a built-in View will create an editable copy. 

Any Private view a user makes is editable. 

View Copy

Use Copy as a starting point to create a new view with different columns, filters, or access.


Use Filter for ad hoc information. For example, if you are viewing the Active view and want to quickly filter forms to show only those at certain status level.


Best Practice - View Naming

We suggest the view name includes the type of view access. This will help users identify the access property if a view is used in a widget. For example, if you make a view with customer access, we would suggest a view name of Customer - In Progress Orders or something similar.