You have the ability to filter any view to identify forms within a process that meet your criteria. To Filter, click on the Filter button.
With Filter, you can filter forms by various methods:
Using Info to filter, means your are filtering on information about the form and includes the following options:
When filtering by Field or Table Fields (this includes fields within table) in the process, there are only certain field types that you can filter by.
These include:
Reference Fields
Date Fields
Money Fields
Decimal Fields
Quantity Fields
Percent Fields
List Fields
Yes/No Fields
Yes/No List Fields
Duration Fields
Location List Fields
Formula Fields
List Score Fields
The following fields cannot be used in a filter:
Shared Fields
Text Fields (all options)
Measurement Fields
Lat Long Fields
Depending on your filter choice, further filtering options will be available. For example, if you choose a Date field you will be presented with additional filter options to narrow in on the forms you want to view.
If the view with the filter applied is something that you will want to refer back to more than once, you can either choose to +Save as view or +Add a view.
+Save as view will always default to a Private View - which means only you will be able to see the view.
+Add a view will allow you choose whether you want others to be able to see this filtered view.