The Megaphone

Announcements about RPM product releases/fixes, server updates, and customer success initiatives are available by clicking the megaphone icon located on the top right of the menu bar.

If a new announcement is created and has not been viewed by a user, a dot will appear over the megaphone. A red dot indicates there is priority information waiting to be viewed and a blue dot is for normal information. 

Clicking the megaphone will display announcements not yet viewed or managed by a user. 

Clicking on an announcement will direct the user to the Announcements page, which is located under Help.

Announcements are managed per user. To remove an announcement from this list click the "X."

All Announcements

You can find all active announcements from the Help menu. Help >> Announcements. 

There is also a link to the Announcements page from the megaphone. 

Announcements are sorted from newest to oldest with priority before normal.

Announcement Levels

There are two announcement levels, Priority and Normal. Priority announcements will be displayed at the top of the announcement list and are sorted by the effective date. Normal announcements show under priority announcements and are sorted by the effective date. 

Announcement Types

Announcement types are configured by RPM and may change. However, examples of priority announcement types are Planned Outages and Server Updates. Examples of normal announcement types are Upcoming Webinars and Holiday Hours.


For those that wish to automate announcement workflow, there is a webhook: announcements.updated and announcement information under the Modified endpoint:

A list of Notification Type IDs are/will be listed below as they become available. 

Notification TypeID