You can create a month to month comparison report for your Account numbers or Customers by adding commission columns for individual months to your View. This can be used to see the growth of an Account/Customer or potentially see where commissions dropped off. For a more general article on view/report creation please see our article on Custom Views.
Top Menu >> Accounts >> Add a View
Give the View a Name. We recommend separating your View by year to make them more manageable, but you are welcome to combine multiple years into a single View. Click Shared if you want other users to see this View as well. Click OK.
In the Columns table, clear out any unnecessary fields by clicking Remove. Then click on Add a column.
In the side panel that opens up, search for "Gross comm" or "Net billed". The list will populate with individual months that you can add by clicking them. You can also add annual totals to your report.
Note: Add the columns from the bottom up to save yourself from having to reorder them later.
The fields will be added to the Columns table and you can click OK to save the View.
From here you can export this data into an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Download button on the far right.