    int ProcessID

Get process fields information


Request Data:

  • (int) ProcessID (required) – Identify the ID of the process.
    "ProcessID": <int>


  "Result": {
    "Process": {
        "ProcessID": <int>,
        "Title": { // Since RPM28
            "FieldOne": <string>, // uid of the first field used for the form title (can be empty)
            "FieldTwo": <string>,// uid of the second field used for the form title (can be empty)
            "IncludeNumber": <boolean>, // wether the title is prefixed by the number
        "FieldGroups": [
            "Name": <string>,
            "ID": <int>,
            "Effect":  <enum 1:"Hide", 2:"Unlock", 3:"Lock", 4:"Show">,
            "Type": <enum 522: "Reference", 500: "Custom Field", 511: "Form Status">,
            "FieldType": <int>,
            "SpecificID": <int>,
            "Value1": <string>,
            "Value2": <string>,
            // Value1 and Value2 indicate the range of values that the FieldGroup is made 'active'
            // If...
            // - Value1 is provided and Value2 is empty, the condition is “Greater than Value1”
            // - Value1 is empty and Value2 is provided, the condition is “Less than Value2”
            // - Value1 is provided and Value2 is provided, the condition is “Greater than or equal to Value1 and Less than or equal to Value2”
        ... more field groups
        "Fields": [
            "FormatType": <int>,
            "InternalFormat": {
                "Instruction": <string>,
                "Pattern": <string>, // (For Text fields) Input mask for text fields
                "PatternEnabled": <bool>, // (For Text fields) Whether the field should enforce the pattern (Ignore CharacterLimit if true)
            "IsRepeating": <boolean>,
            "IsProtected": <boolean>,  // Since RPM29
            "IsRequiredForUser": <boolean>,
            "LayoutFormat": {
                "Order": <int>,
                "Width": <int>
            "Name": <string>,
            "SubType": <int>,
            "Tuid": <string>,
            "UserCanEdit": <boolean>,
            "CharacterLimit": <int>, // (For Text fields, Since: RPM16) - See also InternalFormat.PatternEnabled
        ... more fields
        "Folders": [ // Available since RPM15
            "Name": <string>,
            "ID": <int>,
            "AllowMulti": <bool>,
            "Order": <int>,
            "Instruction": <string>,
            "Required": <bool>
            ... more folders
        "StatusLevels": [
            "Text": <string>,
            "ID": <int>,
            "Order": <int>,
            "ShowSignature": <bool>,
            ... more status levels
        "Layouts": [ // Available since RPM25
            "LayoutID": <int>,
            "LayoutName": <string>,
            "Permissions": {
                "IsStaffOnly": <bool>,
                "QuickShare": <bool>,
                "QuickShareGuestUser": <int>,
                "QuickShareGuest": <bool>
            ... more
        // Measurement fields in RPM use Metric units by default.
        // If the value of the field with FieldUID matches any of the values
        // listed values in "Values" then switch to non-metric units
        "MeasurementFieldControl": {
        "FieldUID": <string>,
        "Values": <string>


  • “Process not found”