
Get the configuration for Process Flows.

Available since RPM22


Request Data:

No data required.


    "Result": {
        "Flows": [
                "ID": <int>,
                "SourceID": <int>, // Process ID
                "TargetID": <int>, // Process ID
                "Used": <int>,
                "StatusMap": [
                        "ID": <int>,
                        "SourceID": <int>, // Status ID (From Source Process)
                        "TargetID": <int>, // Status ID (From Target Process)
                    // ... more status mappings
                "FormFieldMap": [
                        "ID": <int>,
                        "SourceID": <int>, // Field ID (From Source Process),
                        "SourceType": <enum: 500=CustomField, 522=ReferenceField>,
                        "TargetID": <int>, // Field ID (From Target Process),
                        "TargetType": <enum: 500=CustomField, 522=ReferenceField>,
                    // ... more field mappings
                "CustomerFlow": {
                    "CreateCustomer": <bool>,
                    "SourceFieldID": <int>, // Customer Field ID (From Source Process),
                    "TargetFieldID": <int>, // Customer Field ID (From Target Process),
                    "FieldMap": [
                        // Static customer fields have TargetType=9999
                            "ID": <int>,
                            "SourceID": <int>, // Field ID (From Source Process),
                            "SourceType": <enum: 500=CustomField, 522=ReferenceField>,
                            "TargetID": <enum:
                                5=Customer Name,
                                10112=Contact First Name,
                                10113=Contact Last Name,
                                10107=Contact Title,
                                10050=Contact Email,
                                10070=Contact Business Phone,
                                10071=Contact Home Phone,
                                10072=Contact Fax,
                                10073=Contact Other Phone >
                            "TargetType": 9999
                        // Other custom fields have their specific TargetType
                            "ID": <int>,
                            "SourceID": <int>, // Field ID (From Source Process),
                            "SourceType": <enum: 500=CustomField, 522=ReferenceField>,
                            "TargetID": <int>, // Field ID (From Customer Custom Fields),
                            "TargetType": <enum: 500=CustomField, 522=ReferenceField>
                        // ... More field mappings
                    "LocationFieldMap": [
                        // Static location fields have TargetType=9999
                            "ID": <int>,
                            "SourceID": <int>, // Field ID (From Source Process),
                            "SourceType": <enum: 500=CustomField, 522=ReferenceField>,
                            "TargetID": <enum:
                                14=Customer Location,
                                10102=Street Address,
                                10105=Zip Code >
                            "TargetType": 9999
                        // Other custom fields have their specific TargetType
                            "ID": <int>,
                            "SourceID": <int>, // Field ID (From Source Process),
                            "SourceType": <enum: 500=CustomField, 522=ReferenceField>,
                            "TargetID": <int>, // Field ID (From Location Custom Fields),
                            "TargetType": <enum: 500=CustomField, 522=ReferenceField>
                        // ... More field mappings
                "Added": <string>, // ISO date yyyy-mm-dd
                "AllowMultiple": <bool>,
                "SetFormStatus": <int>, // Status ID to set the source process to
                "CopyFiles": <bool>,
                "FormReferenceIDSource": <int>, // Reference Field ID to fill with the target form created by flow
                "FormReferenceIDTarget": <int>, // Reference Field ID to fill with the source form that starts the flow
                "CopyNotes": <bool>,
                "CopyParticipants": <bool>,
                "FieldRequired": <string>, // Source field identifier (i.e. 500_3413) that is required to be filled to allow flow
                "FlowFromRepeating": <bool>,
                "GroupID": <int>,
                "Modified":  <string>, // ISO date yyyy-mm-dd
            // ... More flow definitions

