    int    processID,
    string Process,
    int    FormNumber,
    int    FormID,
    string AlternateID,
    bool   AllowTrashed 

Get a Form.


Identifying the Form:
You can identify the Form in three different ways:

  • Form ID provide the Form ID inside the Form object.
  • Process Name + Form Number provide the process name and identify the form number inside the Form object.
  • Process ID + Form Number provide the process id and identify the form number inside the Form object.
  • AlternateID the AlternateID of the form (it will be ignored if the value is null, “null”, or an empty string).

Request Data:
The form data to be populated is formatted the same way as ProcFormAdd.

  • (int) ProcessID or (string) Process (optional) identify the process by Name or ID
    If both are provided the Name will be used.
  • (string) FormNumber (optional, required if ProcessID or Process are provided) – unique number for this form.
    Used to identify the correct Form to get.
  • (string) FormID (optional, required if ProcessID or Process are not provided) – unique ID number for this form.
    Used to identify the correct Form to get.
    If provided, then ProcessID, Process and FormNumber will be ignored.
  • (string) AlternateID (optional) – client-provided (using ProcFormAdd) ID for the form.
    If provided, then ProcessID, Process, FormNumber and FormID will be ignored.
  • (bool) AllowTrashed (options, default: false) – if a trashed form should be returned.
    By default the API will respond with “Form not found” for trashed forms.

Request Body:

    "Process": <string>,
    "ProcessID": <int>,
    "FormNumber": <string>,
    "FormID": <int>
    "AlternateID": <string>, // Since RPM24
    "AllowTrashed": <bool> // Since RPM28


On success, the response will contain the referenced Form, see the JSON Formatting for Forms.


  • “Process not found” – If process Name or ID is not found
  • “Form not found”