ProcFormFile( int FileID, bool ReturnDownloadUrl )
Returns the information for a File.
Request Data:
- (int) FileID (required) – identify the file to get.
- (bool) ReturnDownloadUrl (required) – if true the response will not contain the “File” property and instead returns a “DownloadUrl” with a temporary download link for the file.
Notes: The URL is valid for 5 minutes (Available since RPM24)
{ "FileID": <int> }
{ "Result": { "FileID": <int>, "FormID": <int>, "File": <string>, // Base64 data without the data-uri prefix (data:[<media type>][;base64]) "DownloadUrl": <string>, // Valid for 5 minutes. Since RPM24 "Name": <string>, "Description": <string>, "IsStaffOnly": <bool>, "FolderID": <int> } }
- “File not found”
- “Form not found”