int ProcessID,
int FormID,
bool Done,
string TypeID,
int AssigneeUserID,
date Due,
date DueAfter,
date DueBefore,
date ModifiedAfter,
date ModifiedBefore

Returns a list of actions matching the specified criteria.

Available since: RPM 14


Request Data:

  • (int) ProcessID (optional) limit actions to only the specified process.
  • (int) FormID (optional) limit actions to only the specified form.
  • (bool) Done (optional) limit to actions that have been marked (or not) as done.
  • (string) TypeID (optional) limit results to actions that have the specified type. Types defined for a specific process can be obtained by the ActionTypes api endpoint.
  • (int) AssigneeUserID (optional) limit results to actions that have the specified user as assignee.
  • (date) Due (optional) limit results to actions that have the specified due date.
  • (date) DueAfter (optional) limit results to actions that are due after the specified due date.
  • (date) DueBefore (optional) limit results to actions that are due before the specified due date.
  • (date) ModifiedBefore (optional) limit results to actions have been modified before specified due date.
  • (date) ModifiedAfter (optional) limit results to actions have been modified after specified due date.

Note: ProcessID and FormID are both marked as optional, but one or the other needs to be provided.

    "ProcessID":      <int>,
    "FormID":         <int>,
    "Done":           <bool>,
    "TypeID":         <string>,
    "AssigneeUserID": <int>,
    "Due":            <date>,
    "DueAfter":       <date>,
    "DueBefore":      <date>,
    "ModifiedAfter":  <date>,
    "ModifiedBefore":  <date>


  "Result": {
    "Actions": [
        "ActionID":    <int>,
        "Description": <string>,
        "Due":         <date>,
        "DueOriginal": <date>,
        "Modified":    <date>,
        "Result":      <string>,
        "Priority":    <int>,
        "StaffOnly":   <bool>,
        "Done":        <bool>,
        "UserCanEdit": <bool>,
        "Duration":    <int>,
        "TypeID":      <int>,
        "TypeName":    <string>,
        "Form": {
            "Title":             <string>,
            "FormID":            <int>,
            "ProcessID":         <int>,
            "UserCanEdit":       <bool>,
            "UserIsParticipant": <bool>
        "Assignee": {
            "ParticipantID": <int>,
            "UserID":        <int>,
            "AssigneeName":  <string>
        "Added": {
            "UserID":   <int>,
            "AddedBy" : <string>
      ... <More actions>


  • One of FormID or ProcessID must be provided
  • Process not found
  • Invalid date value passed for: Due
  • Invalid date value passed for: DueAfter
  • Invalid date value passed for: DueBefore
  • Invalid date value passed for: ModifiedAfter
  • Invalid date value passed for: ModifiedBefore