    string Run 

Get a commission metric report for all agencies.


Request Data:

  • (string) Run(required) – Which Run to report:
    • yyyymm – A commission run described in the year/month format
    • yyyy – Commission runs for the year
    • all – All commission runs
    • this – The currently open run
    • prev – The previous run
    • closed – The most recently closed run
    "Run": <string>


    "Result": {
        "Agencies": [
                "Agency"     : <string>,
                "AgencyID"   : <int>,
                "NetBilled"  : <double>,
                "SalesComm"  : <double>,
                "Payout"     : <double>,
                "GrossComm"  : <double>,
                "GrossProfit": <double>,
                "Referral"   : <double>, // Total referral paid out on items where this agency was the selling agency.
                "ReferralTo" : <double>  // Total referral paid to this agency.
            // More reports for each agency


  • “Unrecognized Run parameter”
  • “User lacks permission”