The simple table field type was an alternative to a standard table that allows a compact view of the rows. This table was available for both processes and basic fields. With the sunsetting of the field type in RPM, you will need to migrate from using the simple table filed to a table field to retain the data. You can also delete the field if you do not wish to retain any of the data.
To begin the migration, we need to go to the processes setup menu
Top menu >> Setup >> Select process
In the process go to the Fields tab.
Once in the the Fields tab, you will see an orange warning box. In the warning, click Download simple table fields values. This will take you to the download screen.
Click Download. This will provide you with a spreadsheet containing the form numbers and columns data of your simple tables from this process. Click Done in RPM.
Back in the Fields section of the process, find the field with the labeled Simple table field. You will want to Delete this field.
With the simple table now deleted, add on new Table field to replace the simple table.
Open the downloaded spreadsheet and copy the Table field name into RPM.
For the Type, we recommend using Free rows. Once the field is setup, click Finish.
For the table configuration, select the nested field type that would best match the data you have from the spreadsheet. Use the name in the column header from the spreadsheet as your field names in RPM.
Once you are done building your table, insert a column after Table field on your spreadsheet. Name this new column Table row. Leave this field blank. Save and close the spreadsheet. This table row column will allow the importing of data into a table into RPM.
Back in RPM, the process is now ready to import the table values.
Top menu >> Processes >> Select process
On the process page, click ..More, and then Import.
On the Import screen, click Browse and select the spreadsheet that was updated. Click Upload.
The Preview should only display forms being updated. If you see new forms, check your form numbers to ensure they entered correctly. For Existing data you can set it to either Leave intact or Overwrite. Click Import.
Once the import is completed, click Done
Your simple table field has now been migrated to a regular table field.