Top menu >> Latest run >> Adjustments

An adjustment is a direct manipulation of the commission data and totals in RPM. An adjustment is a one-time charge that only affects the commission run it is done in. Adjustments are commonly used for situations such as: an upfront payment, a correction for previous month, a loan, a spiff or a chargeback. 

You can add an adjustment manually or if you have many you can also import adjustments.

Note: only Manager users are able to see an adjustment when they log into RPM. Adjustment are assigned to an Agency rather than a Rep when they log into RPM. 

On the Latest run page click Adjustments.

Click +Add an adjustment

Adjustment Options

Type (Optional): select the type of payment this adjustment is for. You can also add, edit, or trash Types.

Supplier (Optional): select a supplier, when you select a supplier 'Net billed and Gross commission' can be attributed.

Agency: affects the commission of an agency independent of any supplier, customer or rep.

Net billed (Optional): add the Net billed.

Gross commission (Optional): add the Gross commission.

Sales commission: this is the amount (positive or negative) you adjust for the agency. The pay plan does not affect this number. 

Notes for staff: notes visible to staff only 

Note: notes visible to agent users

Click OK when done.