Top menu >> Processes >> Select any process

In certain situations it can save time to import and create new process forms (eg: orders, quotes) or update existing ones. When you land on the main process page you will see an import button on the top left that will allow you to mass create or update forms for that process. 

Before you start your import:

  • The first column header in your excel spreadsheet has to be : 'Number'. If you leave this column blank RPM will create new forms upon import and automatically number them for you. 
  • If your goal is to update existing forms: download the forms in excel (top right of the page) including the 'Number' column and update the excel spreadsheet. When you import this spreadsheet RPM will reference the number column and update the corresponding forms. 
  • Reference fields in RPM make reference to other parts of RPM. Fields such as Customer Name, Account Number, Agency Name, Rep Name, and Carrier are commonly making reference to their respective pages. These fields need to be filled with data on your spreadsheet exactly as they're spelt in their respective pages.

Tip: To make sure the headers of your import file match exactly the field names in your process you can create a custom view  (for specific fields you would like to import/update data for) or download the 'All' view to excel. If you plan on creating and adding new forms you can remove all the data from the download and keep just the column headers. 

Note: Due to the custom nature of processes you will need to check what you're calling the fields in RPM. You can check a full list of fields by going to the Top Left Menu > Setup > Process Name > Fields Tab

Click More and then Import.

Click Choose File and browse to the import file on your computer. 

Select the file and click open or double click. 

To finish click Upload. 


If there is anything in the file that did not match either the field name in the process or an option of a drop down menu that was spelled not exactly the same in the file as it is in the process RPM will show  a warning. 

See also: