
The Duration field is used to capture data related to units of time. 

The Eligible unit(s) for the Duration field are: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. 

Choose the units that your users will be able to select by checking the box corresponding to the unit.

Enforce value range by checking Min or Max and entering a value you want to enforce. Select the Units for value range to ensure you're enforcing a unit of value. For example, if you want to enforce 120 minutes but are allowing someone to enter in hours, you force a user to enter a maximum of 2 hours. 

Form Display

On form display, the value displayed to the user will be that largest eligible units chosen where the value will be at smallest one. If there is a remainder after the large eligible units are calculated and there are smaller eligible units chosen, the remainder will be displayed in those units. If there are not any smaller units to handle the remainder, the largest eligible units will be rounded. Below are some examples. 

Eligible UnitsValue (eligible unit)Value Displayed
10 (seconds)10 seconds
Seconds61 (seconds)61 seconds
Minutes, Hours1 (minute)1 minute
Seconds90 (seconds)90 seconds
Minutes, Hours90 (minutes)1 hour 30 minutes
Seconds, Minutes, Hours90 (minutes)1 hour 30 minutes
Hours, Days1 (hour)1 hour
Seconds, Minutes, Hours91 (minutes)1 hour 31 minutes
Hours, Days91 (hours)3 days 19 hours
Days, Weeks91 (days)13 weeks
Days8 (days)8 days
Days, Weeks8 (days)1 week 1 day
Days, Months45 (days)1 month 15 days

Duration Field and Use in Formula Field

Duration fields can be used as inputs in a Formula field. The are two format types for Formula fields, Format (number) and Format (date)

Use the Format (number) type when you want to use several Duration fields in a formula field to come up with a total duration. Consider the Formula field setup below that uses a free row type Table field that has a Duration field capturing estimated time in hours. 

Use the Format (date) when you want to use a Date field and a Duration field to come up with a new date. Consider the Formula field setup below that adds a Duration field to a Date field to come up with a date in the future. 


Process Breakdown

Use a Duration field as the Breakdown value of a Process Breakdown widgetFor example, breakdown the status level or a project process by the estimated project hours tracked by a Duration field. 

Use a Duration field and the Process Sum widget to display outstanding invoice time on open projects.