Process >> Fields

Process Setup - Fields
Fields are the building blocks of processes. Fields describe and customize the process(es) you build and the data you want to capture. RPM Telco has many d...
Mon, 14 Feb, 2022 at 9:47 AM
Label Rows In Defined Table Field
Label rows allow you to separate different sections of your Defined table. This can help with organization and grouping of your other rows.  Click + Add...
Fri, 5 Jan, 2024 at 1:59 PM
Process Field Protection
RPM has the ability to use integration programs (Add Ons) to further enhance the functionality of the software. These integrations rely heavily on fields wi...
Fri, 5 Jan, 2024 at 3:00 PM
List Score Field
A List Score field calculates the percentage of either the "yes" or "no" that is selected from the total number of options within a sing...
Fri, 5 Jan, 2024 at 2:33 PM
Label Column For Table Field
Defined Row Tables For a defined row table, unique labels can be placed in individual table cells. A label is useful when individual rows in a defined r...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 at 3:06 PM
Yes/No List Field
A Yes/No List field is great for creating a checklist with set list options. You can change the Yes or No label text to be other values such as Completed/In...
Fri, 19 Jan, 2024 at 3:02 PM
List Field
You can use a List Field when the choices for the data in response to a field are fixed and you only want your users to select from the list of op...
Fri, 19 Apr, 2024 at 9:38 AM
Measurement Field
When you are working with data that uses a unit of measurement, you can add a Measurement field to your forms. There are different types of measurement uni...
Thu, 18 Apr, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Duration field
Setup The Duration field is used to capture data related to units of time.  The Eligible unit(s) for the Duration field are: seconds, minutes, hours, ...
Thu, 16 May, 2024 at 10:55 AM
Formula Field
You can use the formula field to construct simple equations using eligible fields in a process. It can also be used to calculate data using dates.  The...
Thu, 30 May, 2024 at 9:29 AM