If you're an RPM Subscriber that has been using RPM before RPM 28 (April 12th, 2021) your commission imports and transfers are setup to work with assignment codes. Assignment code functionality remains one method to assign commission items to agents and nothing needs to be changed on your existing import matrices or transfers. However, if you want to make use of Assigned rep functionality and utilize assignment exceptions, we strongly recommend that you switch from assignment code and there is a migration tool to help with the transition.

Assignment codes have assignment priority over Assigned reps and how RPM determines which items are assigned to which reps is as follows:

Assignment Codes > Assigned Rep > Default Customer 

Assignment Codes Migration Tool

If you have setup your import matrices to use the same value for assignment code and account number, as this is the best practice, then you can migrate all of your assignment codes.  The migration tool will find account numbers from one supplier that match assignment codes and assign the rep that is on your assignment codes to the accounts. This tool can be found by navigating through the following:

Top Left Menu >> Commissions >> Assignment codes >> Migrate assignment codes

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