The Deposit Tracker process is used to track the payments you have received from your Technology Service Distributors (TSD) allowing you to quickly see if a payment has been received in full, or if it was a partial payment. This process also provides a breakdown per supplier.  


Top Menu >> Processes >> Deposit Tracker


In the Technology Service Distributor (TSD) drop down, select whom the payment is coming from.

If the TSD is not yet in the drop-down menu, click +Add to add the TSD into your Technology Service Distributor (TSD) process. 

Next enter the payment amount you are expecting to be paid by the TSD into the Amount expected field. This information can be based on previous pay statements or payments you have received.   

In the Run payment applied field, select the month/year the payment is applied to.

Note: We recommend selecting the first day of the month. This will allow for better tracking and filtering options.  

In the Supplier breakdown table, you can track the payment each supplier received, the date it was received on, the amount received, if the amount was paid in full or not, and any notes regarding that specific suppliers payment. 


The Total received and Outstanding amount will combine the amount paid in the table. It will compare the total with the expected amount to let you know if there are any payments missing.

The TSD Payment received in full? field would allow you to filter your data for any outstanding payments from your TSD.

You can optionally fill in a Follow up by date to stay on top of your left-over payment amounts. This will create an action reminder for you to follow up with the TSD by that date. 

In the Payment notes, you can enter more generalized notes.

Once done click Ok to save your form.