object Action
bool WebhookEvaluate

Add or edit an action.


Request Data:

  • (object) Action(required)
    • (int) AlternateID (Since RPM24) – set or identify the action to add/edit, if not ActionID will be used. If provided but no action is found matching said AlternateID a new action is created.
    • (int) ActionID – the id for the action to edit, if not provided a new action is created.
    • (bool) Done – whether or not the action is marked as done.
    • (string) Description (required) – the action’s description.
    • (string) Result – the action’s result.
    • (object) Added
      • (int) UserID – which user you want the action to be added by.
    • (int) TypeID – which action type you want this action to be.
    • (object) Form
      • (int) FormID (required) – which form you want this action to be attached to.
    • (int) Priority – whether you want this action to be high priority or not.
    • (bool) StaffOnly – whether this action will be visible to non-staff users.
    • (date) Due (required) – when this action is due.
    • (object) Assignee(required)
      • (int) ParticipantID (required) – the form’s participant you want this action to be assigned to (ParticipandID is available via the ProcForm API endpoint.
      • (int) UserID (required) – the user you want this action to be assigned to. (Used only if ParticipantID is not provided.
    • (date) Start – the action’s start date.
    • (date) End – the action’s end date.
  • (bool) WebhookEvaluate (optional, default=false) – Whether to evaluate any action related webhooks. (Since: RPM18)
   "Action": {
     "ActionID": <int>,
     "AlternateID": <string>, // Since RPM24: client-generated UUID
     "Done": <bool>,
     "Description": <string>,
     "Result": <string>,
     "Added": {
       "UserID": <int>
     "TypeID": <int>,
     "Form": {
       "FormID": <int>
     "Priority": <int>,
     "StaffOnly": <bool>,
     "Due": <date>,
     "DueDate": <date>,
     "Assignee": {
       "ParticipantID": <int>,
       "UserID": <int>
     "Start": "<date>",
     "End": "<date>"
   "WebhookEvaluate": <bool>


   "Result": {
   "Action": {
     "ActionID": <int>,
     "AlternateID": <string>, // Since RPM24: client-generated UUID
     "Form": {
       "Title": <string>,
       "FormID": <int>,
       "ProcessID": <int>,
       "UserCanEdit": <bool>,
       "UserIsParticipant": <bool>
     "Description": <string>,
     "Due": "<date>",
     "DueOriginal": "<date>",
     "Result": <string>,
     "Priority": <int>,
     "StaffOnly": <bool>,
     "Done": <bool>,
     "UserCanEdit": <bool>,
     "Assignee": {
       "ParticipantID": <int>,
       "UserID": <int>,
       "AssigneeName": <string>
     "Added": {
       "UserID": <int>,
       "AddedBy": <string>
     "TypeID": <int>,
     "TypeName": <string>,
     "Start": "<date>" (only sent if a valid date is set),
     "End": "<date>" (only sent if a valid date is set)


  • Action not found – when an ID is provided but it’s not valid
  • A description is required
  • Unable to find/set assignee