Defined and Free row tables can be designed with many fields (columns) that can causes a table field to be wider than the form. The table Expand can be used to enlarge the table to fit more fields on your web browser window. 

Defined Row

The screenshot below shows a defined row table field that is wider than the form. You will see a scroll bar at the bottom of the table that will allow you to view the rest of the fields.

To expand the table, click Expand which will appear when you hover over the bottom left corner of a table. 

The table will expand and take as much space as possible. When the table is expanded, the user will still be able to enter data. 

Free Rows Table

A Free row table field functions similar to the Defined row table with the exception that you can add rows while the table is expanded. 

Form Display

On form display both the Defined row and Free row table field can be expanded to view the table data easier. Hover over the bottom left of the table and click Expand. 

See also: