The order modification process is used to track sold, disconnected or upgraded services for the same account under a single order. Having the modification of services separated from the original order allows you to make the modifications without needing to change the original order itself. This will allow you to reconcile the original order through changes of service that may occur over its lifetime.    

Top menu >> Processes >> 3. Order Modifications

For the order modification it is recommended to start from the Order itself. This will create a link between The original order and the Order modification. As well as some of the data entered into the order will carry over to the order modification. At the top of the order click the button button Start a 3. Order Modifications

When the form is started from an order, details will carry over. These details include, The parent order number, customer name, account number, assigned agency, assigned rep, the carrier, and the term of the original contract. Please verify these details are correct. Once the details are verified select the type of modification this will be in the Add-on Type (Top menu > Processes > Modification types).

Enter the dollar amount in MRC Change, that this modification is making to the order to the service cost. For the NRC Change, enter if there are any one time fees or charges that may apply to this change, for example an install fee. If a SPIFF is being provided for the sale, enter the SPIFF amount you are expecting in the Additional Spiff


The Total Order MRC (After Change) will pull the total of the change on the modification and the current updated MRC from the order. giving you the amount you can expect of the MRC after the modification is completed. 

The Products table, select the Product (Top menu > Processes > Products) that is being added or modified to the original order. You can include the Product Details.

Critical Dates are used to track the life cycle of the order, and to help provide reminders based on key dates. For example, setting up an installed date reminder, RPM can email you the day after the installation for you to follow up with the customer and ensure everything was set up correctly.

Further reading: