Vehicle Inspection Tracking

Use & Maintain - Vehicles
The Vehicles process is the core of the Vehicle Inspection Tracking solution.  Without a centrally stored vehicle it is difficult to gather stats for or tra...
Sat, 5 May, 2018 at 11:06 AM
Use & Maintain - Vehicle Inspection
In the context of Vehicle Inspection Tracking, the Vehicle Inspection is an Inspection that satisfies a vehicle inspection requirement. Vehicle Inspecti...
Sat, 5 May, 2018 at 11:07 AM
Use & Maintain - Fulfillment
Introduction Fulfillment looks at the Inspection History of a Vehicle and combines it with the Vehicle's Inspection Schedule to determine how many o...
Sat, 5 May, 2018 at 11:11 AM
Use & Maintain - Evaluate
If you edit a Vehicle Inspection Type, you may be required to Evaluate related forms.  Some edits will not automatically be applied to all vehicles, in thes...
Sat, 5 May, 2018 at 11:12 AM