Please read THIS to help you navigate through the steps below.
Step 1 - Add Suppliers - If you have received commissions from a carrier not currently setup in your deployment.
Step 2 - Add Transfers - If you see a warning on your transfer page.
Step 3 - Add new Agencies & Reps - If you need to pay commissions to a new Agent and Rep.
Step 4 - Create Pay Plans - Pay plans are the payout structures/scenarios you have with your agents.
Step 5 - Assign Pay Plans.
Step 6 - Prepare spreadsheets for import.
Step 7 - Import Commission Data (or trash an import).
Step 8 - Transfer Commission Data.
Step 9 - Clear warnings:
- Unassigned rep ids &/or account assignments
- Unmatched products - Create comm group or match product to existing comm group.
- Unable to find comm tiers - Modify commission group by adding the tier(s)
- Gross comm does not equal deposits – When you use the deposit feature, RPM will tell you if the amount added as deposit is not matching the Gross commission imported for that supplier.
- Supplier data not imported - This warning lets you know that you have imported your commission data but it is still sitting in the buffer. You can hit the ‘finish all’ button to complete the import.
Step 10 - Exceptions (to items):
- Account group (add or assign). - Used to add commission exceptions to an account or multiple accounts under a single supplier.
- Referral (add or include …) - Used to divide commissions between multiple agencies without multiplying the original commission item and preserving the item totals to display to all participating agencies.
- Split - Used to split commission items between participating agencies. The commission items will be split off by the set % between all parties of the split creating multiple items from one or more.
- Addendum - Used to set a additional commission rule that supersedes all other rules on an account group or agency level.
Step 12 - Adjustments (any change to agent compensation).
Step 13 - Calculate.
Step 14 - Agency Summary.
Step 15 - Download Agent Commission Summary.
Step 16 - View Audit Reports.
Step 17 - Deposits & Payments.
Step 18 - Commission Reports - to see trending across agencies and suppliers graphically.
Step 19 - Close run.
Step 20 - Reopen run.
Step 21 - Start the next run.
See also: