Click on the Name of the Widget to View the Setup
The portal widget displays quick links to processes, customers, agencies, users, commissions (latest run, suppliers) and setup options.
The announcement widget displays any announcements set by users with the correct privileges.
A widget that shows a search for things other than processes.
For a User
The attention list widget displays the number of approvals required from the user, the number of forms that have actions due for the user, and the amount of forms per process that require attention.
The actions widgets displays up to ten unfinished actions for the user. These actions will be displayed from the top down; oldest to newest. The actions can be edited from this widget.
The commitments widget displays a list of all the user’s commitments. See the Commitments page for more details.
The commission run widget displays the date of the most recently closed commission run, the number of days since the last commission run, and the net billed amount of the last commission run.
The commissions value widget displays the total value/amount of suppliers/accounts or the current commission run compared to the previous run.
The commission trends widget displays the trends of certain types of commission values over a set time period.
The commission links widget displays links to the gross commission, billing variance, and missing account reports.
The commission breakdown widget does a breakdown of commission totals in combination with custom and item variables.
The multiple process sum widget lets you choose three process sum widgets you have created and display the data together.
The multiple process view count lets you review the view counts for multiple process in a single location
The process sum trends allows you to consolidated trend data from other widgets for comparison.
Process Links
The processes group widget displays a link to a selected process group, and the link to each form inside the group.
The process start link widget displays a button that will start a form. The user names the button, and selects which process it will link to. The button will have the same color as the process it’s linking to.
The process view link widget displays a button that links to the selected process view.
The action view link widget displays a button that links back to a selected process action view.
The process search widget displays a search widget where the user can search within the selected process or specific fields from within the process.
Process Reports
The process breakdown widget displays the breakdown including status, list fields, reference fields, and yes/no fields within a process action view. It can be displayed as a list, pie chart, or bar chart. The user sets a limit to the number of field options to be displayed, which are then sorted from highest to lowest, keeping the fields with the highest count. Leaving this number at 0 will give no limit to field options that are displayed. Any fields outside of the allotted limit will be grouped together in an ‘Other’ category.
The process sum widget displays the sum/average of selected numeric fields (list, decimal, quantity (fixed), quantity, money) within a selected process action view.
The process days widget displays the number of days since/until an event happened/happens.
The process count widget displays the amount of forms within a process view. It can also use that number with a selected operator to calculate the number with another process count.
The process growth widget displays a comparison between two views in a single process.
The process commitments widget displays all commitments for the user for the current date, as well as all future commitments. When there are no commitments, there will be a “No commitments” message.
The yes/no list fields widget displays the number of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ fields from a yes/no list field within a process.
The yes/no list breakdown widget displays a summary for a yes/no list field within a process.
Process forms
Shows the last started form in a process.
Form Fulfillment
Fulfillment widgets are used to show the completion status of processes
See also: